The thinking behind it is that research funding is spread thinly across Europe and, if we want to attract and retain the best researchers globally we need to act more collectively. They gave an example of public funding in EU27 compared with that in the USA: each EU country has some pot of money (with the Germans having the most, at around €170m). However, none come close to the US total of €100bn. But when you add all the EU funding together it comes to €90bn, which is much more respectable.
So you can see the logic: act together, and we're greater the sum of our parts. So how does it work in practice? Well of course, this being Europe, a committee has been formed: the High Level Group for Joint Programming (or GPC for short, from the French “Groupe de haut niveau pour la Programmation Conjointe"). The GPC maps out the current funding coverage for research at the moment and identifies areas of shortage. The first area, which became a Joint Programming Initiative (JPI), was on Alzheimer's - see the link below. After this, the Phase 1 JPIs were confirmed in December 2009 as:
- Agriculture, food security and climate change
- A healthy diet for a healthy life (formerly known as "Health, food and prevention of diet-related diseases")
- Cultural heritage & global change (formerly known as "Cultural heritage, climate change and security")
In May the GPC identified the Phase 2 themes as:
- Urban Europe
- Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe
- More years, better lives
- Antimicrobial resistance
- Water challenges for a Chaning World
- Healthy & productive seas and oceans
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