- 27 Sept 2011: a Communication on 'Partnering in Research and Innovation'. Not sure what this will be, but perhaps it will give us a clue as to how the EC wants business and academia to collaborate in the future.
- 30 Nov 2011: full proposal for Horizon 2020, including necessary legislation, specific programmes, and rules of participation;
- Dec 2011: a Communication on developments in the area of access to scientific information. Open Access ahoy!
- 5-7 Dec 2011: Innovation Convention, and report on progress towards an Innovation Union.
Looking further forward, in 2012 we've got these policy gems to look forward to:
- ERA Framework, which as UKRO understands, will include a large scale public consultation (this was originally planned for late 2011 but has been put back due to the development on Horizon 2020).
- Communication on enhancing and focussing international cooperation in Research and Innovation
- Communication on the state of implementation of the Innovation Union and mainstreaming of innovation in EU policies
- Recommendation to Member States on Structural changes in universities and research in institutions to promote gender equality
- Communication on the establishment of a new Europe 2020 headline indicator to monitor progress in innovation.
Finally, it will be pushing forward on its Joint Programming Initiatives. As I'm sure I don't need to tell you, the aim of these is 'to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's precious public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges more effectively in a few key areas.' And what are those few key areas? I'm glad you asked. UKRO's sources say that they are:
- More years, better lives (already launched in July 2011)
- Water challenges for a changing world
- Healthy and productive seas and oceans
- Climate change
- Antimicrobial resistance (Planned for 3rd quarter 2011)
- Urban Europe (Planned for 4th quarter 2011)
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