The League of European Research Universities (LERU) has issued
a position paper on FP8. Amongst its recommendations are:
- Increased funding to meet the EU2020 goals, particularly for the ERC. In fact, the LERU liked the ERC generally, saying the peer review of other areas should take a leaf out of the ERC's book, and that auditing should be simplified and eligibility widened to encourage more participation;
- Similarly, it liked the Marie Curie actions, thought they should be supported, and considered recent moves to shift them from DG Research to DG Education as a wrong step;
- Responsive-mode funding should be increased, and that there should be more transparency in the selection of topics for managed programmes;
- Liked the Joint Programming Initiatives in theory, but thought they lacked transparency;
- Approved the moves by the EC to simplify the process and procedures around the Framework Programme.
The full text of the position paper can be accessed via the link,
Increased funding to meet the EU2020 goals, particularly for the ERC. In fact, the LERU liked the ERC generally, saying the peer review of other areas should take a leaf out of the ERC's book, argumentative essay ideas