European Research Council (ERC) has launched a call for its flagship
'Advanced Investigator Grants'. Pitched at 'exceptional' established researchers and academics, they offer up to €3.5m for up to 5 years. Applications should tackle pioneering and far-reaching challenges at the frontiers of the field(s) addressed, and involve new, ground-breaking or unconventional methodologies, whose risky outlook is justified by the possibility of a major breakthrough with an impact beyond a specific research domain/discipline.
But you need to get your skates on: the deadlines are relatively short:
- Physical Sciences & Engineering Domain : 24 February 2010
- Life Sciences: 17 March 2010
- Social Sciences & Humanities: 7 April 2010
This is Europe, so there's a positive tsunami of information and guidance. Start by looking at the UKRO ERC pages, and if you need further help, get in touch with me.
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