13 June 2017, 2-4pm
Venue TBC
Innovation and enterprise
funding routes can be a significant and rewarding - but often overlooked -
alternative to traditional funding sources. This session, delivered by Kent Innovation and Enterprise (KIE),
will increase your understanding of the innovation
and enterprise landscape, including Innovate UK
and Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs),
and how they can help you access this funding.
The session also includes
presentations from Prof Colin
Robinson, Professor in Biotechnology/Head of School at Biosciences, and from Dr
Jesse O’Hanley, Reader in Environmental Systems Management at Kent
Business School, who will share their experiences
of securing alternative funding and working with industry partners.
As ever it’s free and open to all, and tea and coffee will
be available. However, do let me know if you intend to come so that I can make
sure both room and catering are appropriate.
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