
Tuesday 2 August 2011

SSC Shortlisted for Award Shock

For anyone who's every had any dealings with the RCUK Shared Services Centre, or has read about its growing pains, this news will come as something of a shock. The SSC has been shortlisted for an award! And it's not even the award for the organisation least likely to be able to organise a piss-up in a brewery. No, its the National Business Award for (the slightly tautological) Transformational Change of the Year.

Transformational Change? What does that mean? Well, I'm glad you asked me that. 'Pioneers of transformational change...enhanc[e] the citizen and customer experience, achiev[e] more with less, and creat[e] better value for stakeholders.'

Really? Is this the same SSC we're talking about?

It goes on: 'this award has been designed to recognise the entity that has successfully refocused, restructured or strategically re-aligned to significantly reduce cost while improving efficiency; increased productivity, market share or revenue; enhanced the citizen’s/customers experience; and engaged staff, suppliers and all relevant stakeholders in the implementation of new systems and technologies to drive sustainability.'

Hmm. I guess that depends on how you measure 'success'. Or 'efficiency'. If they're measured by quick turnaround times and knowledgeable responses to queries, then SSC might struggle to secure the prize. However, let's be optimistic: the NBA panel might be assessing the potential for future growth and performance. And if that's the case, it's in the bag for the SSC because, as Yazz said, the only way is up.

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